Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear 16 year old me.

Dear 16 year old me,
What went wrong?
Or is it right to think things went wrong?
Where were you, when the tears slipped by,
For these steps you took,
Towards these dark caves I'm in,
Months later, I'm trying to remember,
16 year old me,
Where were you, when it went wrong.
But without you, 16 year old me.
I'd never be me.

Dear 16 year old me,
Remember the times we promised each other,
Today we'd look back to yesterday,
Smiling with tears of joys,
So far we've come from being so quiet,
We're so proud of all that we've accomplished.
Without you, 16 year old me.
I'd never be me.

Dear 16 year old me,
I remember the nights,
You never slept, and sat under the moon,
Writing letters to me.
So many promises you made,
Of my mornings under the rainbows,
And the rain at my thought.
Breaking my broken heart,
I'm sure you remember.
Every scar on it,
But without you, 16 year old me.
I'd never be me.

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