The colours and tastes of this land,
This land was mine too,
I had dreams of the fields and rain.
We had miles to walk, before we went to sleep.
Such was my country.
With the best of you,
Putting together your heads,
I'm fading,
I'm almost long gone.
So deep, in this darkness.
I can almost remember their promises,
Those ones in the black's and whites,
With four wheels, how they faded in corners.
How they held these hands,
Now ragged, rough and broken,
And I was one of you too,
How could you just let me go?
You're all up there,
Behind the glasses and screens,
Watching them make their names,
I'm a path they've followed,
For the gold round their necks,
For the cheers and the fame.
Such carelessness, in my country.
Where there is name, and prestige.
I was one of you too,
But now I'm fading,
Taking all my dreams with me,
Maybe deep down,
I'm smiling as I go,
But I still remember,
The promises you made,
How could you let me go?