Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life lesson 1 - Regrets.

Yes, regret.
Fulton Oursler said “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” 
They also say, 'If only...' is the saddest phrase ever.
It is indeed true, I'll get back to that after I tell you about my dilemma recently,
Okay its a vague memory, I don't remember much but yes, I was troubled about something,
Confused and unable to decide what I wanted to do,
So I was just whining to my friend on my Blackberry messenger,
And he tells me, 'Dude just flip a coin, when its halfway down, you'll know exactly what you want.'
And it worked, I can tell you that because I obviously don't have any regrets what so ever.
So for those of you having a hard time deciding, they're your silver lining to everything.
So yes, coming back to the point,
Why regret?
When you do something, as little as buying a cloth of some random colour,
We need to realize two things,
  • Us humans, we will never stop being greedy
  • When you do something, pick a colour or something, decide a place to go, or whatever decision you make, these was a point in time when THAT is exactly what you wanted,
So why regret?
I started with a quote, and if I've been able to deliver a message,
I think its time I'll close with a quote.
" Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. "

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