Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey love, Its true.
When they said, "Dude, the way he looks at you",
The things they meant, They're through.
I'm in love, definitely in love, Baby, with you.
You hitch my breath and mask my fears.
Make me smile and pull me through.
I'm in love with you,
Its not a crush, This is not sugar rush.
I have a dream, make it true.

You stop time,
Its so fine,
It felt so right, Its mine.
This felt so strong, This world is now mine.

When its cold, I want to pull you near.
When its dark, I want to reflect your shine.
Your eyes, emerald green.
I see through them, witness the dreams unseen.
I'd take the leap for faith,
Swam in your world, Girl you eyes were the bait.

You stop time,
Its so fine,
It felt so right, Its mine.
This felt so strong, This world is now mine.

When the wind blows,
Your hair makes you prickle and it shows.
I reach out and stop in mid air,
Faking a high five with the one behind your chair.
I know you watch me, from the corner of the eye.
I followed you to your bus stop, you said "Bye".

You stop time,
Its so fine,
It felt so right, Its mine.
This felt so strong, This world is now mine.

All of it caught up to me now,
All of the times I wished you a good day,
All of the times I held you the chair,
All of the times, All kinds of time.
Little things I did,

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