Sunday, December 19, 2010

Untitled II

My 100th post, ofcourse I wanted it to be something rather than poetry,
Deep thinking and some other shhh,
I hope its not bothering kind..

In this life, the moments that pass by, the moments that we share, with people. Barely specimen. 
Aquintances, Aquintances that sometimes turn out to be the loved ones,
We seek their help, look upto them. With the fear in our eyes.
Fear of being left out, fear of being unloved. The fear of loneliness.
This suffering like no other, This helps us look at things in a different way.
When you know you have the potential, the potential to excel.
When you know you can have what you want, why care?
This attitude, some say to die for. I was just born this way, This attitude, has its ups and its down.
When you're tired of looking around, looking out for someone, This attitude, thats a down.
When you fail, the time they look at you with disappointed eyes, There, thats an up.
I know what its like to be broken, I, for one have an idea what we're looking at when we say 'lonely'.
This one step that you take, depending upon your decision, leading you to two opposite direction.
Either you choose dwelling in this patheticness, or you choose to move on, fake a smile.
'Whats wrong is wrong, whats right is right. Don't lie to yourself.' Here's another attitude,
This attitude, takes you to the dark side. When placed upon a decisive situation like the one I just mentioned.
This attitude says no to faking a smile. 
There was a brief point in time when I experimented with 'lying and faking a smile' or just going with whats true.
And I quote myself " Never be unthankful, specially to the way of your lifestyle. Its what you make it out of yourself. Not God given. "
There is a thought about a wrong decision,
We know that what we do leads us to what we face, to what we feel.
Then why do most of us go " Why me? "
" Life is so unfair. "
There is no such thing as 'life', there is just you, your decision and your attitude.

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